In late 2021, KDHS completed a high-level Master plan process, which included a feasibility exercise to select the most appropriate site for the Education & Training Centre.
The Education Training Centre has now proceeded to the design phase with the initial Project Control Group (PCG) meeting held with assigned Consultants, b3architects on 10 February 2022. Construction is scheduled to commence in January 2023 and be completed by late November 2023.
Briefing workshops (inclusive of tertiary providers) have been scheduled for late February and early March 2022. KDHS is keen to canvass community views and input into the project with the original intent to offer a community representative position on the Project Control Group.
Following discussion with the project consultants at the initial PCG, it was considered that a set of questions to canvass broader community consultation was a more inclusive process than having a community representative on the PCG.