Transition Care Program (TCP) provides care and restorative services for a short term period for older people who have been in hospital. By offering low level therapy and support it allows people to be discharged quicker and continue their recovery at home, while appropriate long term care is arranged.

TCP services can be provided either in your own home or in a bed based service.

A case manager will assist you in managing your care. They will meet with you and your family/carer to discuss, plan and manage your care. In consultation, the case manager will develop a care plan that describes your needs and outlines the services to be delivered, such as:

Care Planning
  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Allied Health Services
  • Nursing
  • Personal care

TCP services can be provided either in your own home or in a bed based service. The Transition Care Program is NOT a long term arrangement. For more information on this service click here to go to the My Aged Care Website.