Contact Details

Advance Care Planning Coordinator

Phone: (03) 5857 0200


Please speak to your doctor or specialist for a referral. Alternatively,  you can click here to access our self-referral form.

What is Advance Care Planning?

Advance care planning (ACP) is an important process that helps you plan for future health care, for a time when you are not able to make your health care wishes known.

ACP involves thinking about your beliefs, values and preferences about the care you would like to have if you could not make your own decisions.

It is best if ACP happens earlier in life when you are still well.

Legally appoint your Medical Treatment Decision Maker

In Victoria, the person legally appointed to make medical decisions for another person is called their Medical Treatment Decision Maker (MTDM). This person can only make medical decisions when you are no longer able to.

The person you choose needs to be:

  • Aged 18 or over
  • Able to follow your values and instructions
  • Willing to accept this responsibility
  • Available if they are required
  • Able to make decisions in stressful situations

Write your wishes down

In Victoria, you can now legally write an Advance Care Directive (ACD). Your ACD would only be used when you are unable to express your health care wishes and/or to assist your MTDM with consenting on your behalf.

KDHS offer our local community a free service to assist people to complete ACP documents. If you would like an appointment, speak to your GP or contact us on (03) 5857 0200 for a copy of the self-referral form.

Alternatively, documents can be accessed and completed online: